6. "Shake." That is what we call it when we put spinach, water, frozen berries and orange juice in a blender. Ava loves this drink and always has.

7. Reading books. As you can see, she is an advanced reader, Tolkien upside down takes savvy!
9. EATING!!! This girl can pack away the groceries! Here is something she loves a lot: yogurt and berries.

10. Being outside with her brothers! And they are so cute with her.
A few more things that do not fit neatly in the top ten and of which I do not have current pictures include: 1) her bed! She has always been perfectly happy at bedtime and nap time and spends a bit of time in there after sleeping just "hanging out." Many times when I go to get Ava out of bed, she wants to stay in (but have me "hang out" too). 2) Sunday School! Mike and I are teaching the toddler class this year and Ava is such a little helper. The other toddlers are still warming up to the idea and Ava loves to pass out everything (shakers, snack, papers etc.), clean up everything, and tell the others what to do. It is really cute. 3) Me! I think I (momma) am her favorite :).

7. Reading books. As you can see, she is an advanced reader, Tolkien upside down takes savvy!
9. EATING!!! This girl can pack away the groceries! Here is something she loves a lot: yogurt and berries.

10. Being outside with her brothers! And they are so cute with her.