Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter pics

Ava is excited about her bracelet.

I think that's a peek at some Peep.

Ava and Momma

Singing for Grandma-D


Stacy said...

OH MY WORD that first picture of Ava is SOOOO stinkin' cute! LOVE IT! :)

I feel so honored that I now have your blog address.


Stacy said...

Oh, and I like the gray.

And the profile pic.

Casinova Red said...

Yeah, that first picture of Ava is precious. You should know that until I return to the northwest, it will fall on you to coach her to ball up her hands into fists and bring them up a little closer to her face and then shake them. time goes on, you can teach her to squeal the phrase "Goody goody gumdrops". We must uphold this important family tradition. She is already showing signs that she is the chosen one to carry on the legacy.