Last June, God saw fit to bless us with a sweet baby in my womb. Nine months later I looked like this:
It was a nice and healthy pregnancy during which I was even able to keep up physically with things like this:
{Side note: I hate every person who told me that working out like that would help me "bounce back" after having the baby. There is a lot of bouncing going on but it is not my body getting back to a pre-pregnancy size!}
On February 3rd, we headed to the hospital to deliver our baby. Once labor started, it was a crazy ride moving fast and furious. Ending in our sweet girl coming out face up (ouch) and screaming even before she was fully delivered! The awesome part of Sage choosing to be born this way is that I was able to pull the second half of her body free and right on to my chest. It was amazing to reach down and grab my girl looking at me.
Sage Melody was 7 pounds 3 ounces (our smallest!) and 20 inches long. She is a super sweet girl and we all love her to pieces.
Sage is doing well, eating and gaining weight. Adding her to our family has been really smooth. Each and every one of her siblings feels blessed to have her join the group.
Mike and I too feel blessed beyond measure. We can't believe that we get the pleasure of parenting another child. Our cup overflows.

Some people ask, "What is it like having six kids?" One thing I can tell you after writing this post is that we do not take enough pictures! (I know other families are still good at this after six or more kids but we stink at it.) I have posted every single decent picture we have and it is not nearly enough! And there are no pictures of Sage with Luke, Mike or Me since delivery. Oh well, at least I can say that we are making amazing memories of enjoying our daughter and sister thoroughly.
I had no idea!!! Congrats!! I'm due any day now and I'm super impressed with your picture of lifting weights. I lift Reese's peanut butter eggs to my mouth with unerring ease...
Again, congratulations!!
Hi Lora Lynn, I had been reading about your cranky uterus, rejoicing with you carrying him this long & checking religiously for your boy's arrival! So excited for you.
It is crazy how every woman carries babies differently! Praise God that we can carry them at all! Keep going with the peanut butter eggs. As many reps as possible!
She is SO cute, you guys! I would love to bring you dinner one of these nights... then I can meet this sweetie in person! I love the hospital picture with you and Sage... such a precious time!
congrats Mike
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